There are a number of great benefits to becoming an Executive Health Control member such as…
- Expert medical advice from specialists
- Personalised medical treatment recommendations
- Excellent pre and follow-up care
- Access to high quality medical support centre
Choose The Right Option For You
Access to medical & paramedical platform, weekdays 8:00am – 8:00pm
- Guaranteed appointment confirmation within 24 to 48 hours*
Access to the medical support centre, weekdays 8:00am – 8:00pm
- Unlimited number of enquiries
- 2 hour response time
12 Month personalised healthcare plan **
- Personalised recommendations
Access to second opinion consultation
Centralised data
Access to a private emergency room
24 Hour access to medical & paramedical platform, 7 days of the week
- Same day confirmation of your appointment guaranteed*
24 Hour access to the medical support centre, 7 days a week
- Unlimited number of enquiries
- 1 hour response time
12 Month personalised healthcare plan**
- 6 month review with personalised results
Access to second opinion consultation (worldwide)
Centralised data
Access to a private emergency room***
Your Medical Assessment
Our service is based on a personalised approach and creating a tailor-made program to suit your requirements.
Through our initial clinical and biological assessment process we are able to understand the precise route and adapted medicine that your specific requirements will need.
This process includes:
- A medical questionnaire and a full description of the proposed services
- A thorough clinical examination
- Biological tests
At the end of the process, we prepare a report and recommendations for us to discuss your options with you during your next follow-up appointment.
This important initial evaluation costs between £ 650- £ 850 depending on your place of residence payable in advance and will be deductible from the amount of your subscription, if you decide to join us as a member.
Advanced Membership Please Note…
* Guaranteed appointment confirmations will be provided within the access time applicable to the membership. (i.e. an appointment requested by an Advanced Member at 5:00 p.m. on a Friday will be confirmed by 5:00 p.m. the following Tuesday).
** The Personalised Healthcare Plan involves an initial meeting between the member and one of our consultants followed by an examination. The results of the examination will then be considered and the member will be provided with recommended treatments or consultations which should be undertaken within the following 12 months.
Premium Membership Please Note…
* Depending upon the member’s exact medical requirement and the day and time of the request the only appointment available will be at one of our partner’s private emergency rooms.
** The Personalised Healthcare Plan involves ann initial meeting between the member and one of our consultants followed by an examination. The results of the examination will then be considered and the member will be provided with recommended treatments or consultations which should be undertaken within the following 12 months. A 6 month review will be carried out with the member to monitor progress.
*** It is the member’s responsibility to arrange all transport to and from any private emergency room and to pay for all fees incurred by the member whilst attending such private emergency room. We accept no liability if any treatment is refused because the member is unable to arrange or make payment to any private emergency room.